Sex Trafficking of Males
Although human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation can affect anyone regardless of their gender identity, narratives around this crime too often fail to account for this reality. The …
Although human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation can affect anyone regardless of their gender identity, narratives around this crime too often fail to account for this reality. The …
Pour aider à combler son marché du travail, le Canada offre une série de visas accessibles aux étrangers pour autant qu’ils remplissent certaines conditions. En conséquence, des milliers de ressortissants …
To help fill its job market needs, Canada offers a series of visas accessible to foreigners, should they meet various conditions. As a result, thousands of foreign nationals go through …
Lorsque l’on entame la conversation sur la traite des personnes, et plus particulièrement sur la traite à des fins d’exploitation sexuelle, il convient de dissiper très tôt trois mythes. Premièrement, …
When beginning the conversation about human trafficking, specifically sex trafficking, there are three myths that need be dispelled early on. First, the myth that human trafficking is an international crime, …