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The hotline is focused on working with law enforcement in communities across Canada and developing localized Referral and Reporting Protocols with these partners to ensure a robust, immediate response to all callers. In doing so, the hotline also aims to facilitate collaboration among law enforcement agencies across the country at the municipal, provincial, and national level.

The hotline will provide a crucial alternative point of access for victims and survivors of human trafficking, as well as anonymous callers with third party tips. Independent of government and law enforcement, the hotline will increase callers’ options for support, thereby broadening the safety net available to them. The hotline is not intended to detract or deter individuals from calling law enforcement directly if they wish, and is not an investigative organization.

To learn more about the hotline and the role law enforcement plays, please read our Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline overview.

If you are a law enforcement agency who is interested in working with us, we welcome you to complete our Law Enforcement Application Form.

Once we have received your form, our team will review and follow up on your submission. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us at